Thursday, December 27, 2018

Books By The Inch

We are liquidating a huge collection of science fiction and fantasy paperbacks from the 1960s-2000s.

We'll be listing them for sale as we are able to sort and pack them. Each list will contain about a hundred parcels. Each parcel will be about two inches thick* and will contain between between two and five volumes, all by the same author.

These books are not collectibles. We do not make any guarantees about condition, except that they have all of their pages and are readable. At least once.

Each parcel will come to you by mail, postage paid, for $6.00 U.S. (through PayPal).

If you live in Oregon's mid-Valley area, we may be able to arrange delivery at a lower price.

-- The Inchworms, aka John and Kathe Burt

*So okay, it would be more accurate if we called it "Books by the Two Inches", or to be more SFnal, "Books By the 5cm Block", but do either of those sound as smooth as "Books By The Inch"?

List #1

Gael Baudino
Gael Baudino
Gael Baudino
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Zimmer Bradley
David Brin
David Brin
John Brunner
John Brunner
John Brunner
John Brunner
John Brunner
John Brunner
Algis Budrys
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Orson Scott Card
Jack L. Chalker
A. Bertram Chandler
Jo Clayton
Hal Clement
L. Sprague deCamp
Gordon R. Dickson [Includes Lost Dorsai – profusely illustrated]
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon R. Dickson
Gordon R. Dickson
David Drake
David Drake
Robert A. Heinlein [including a couple of Signet paperbacks]
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
Frank Herbert
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
Tanith Lee
Ursula K. LeGuin
Ursula K. LeGuin
Ursula K. LeGuin
Michael Moorcock
Michael Moorcock
Michael Moorcock
Michael Moorcock
C. L. Moore
Dan Morgan
Larry Niven
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Andre Norton
Andre Norton
Andre Norton
Andre Norton
Andre Norton
Andre Norton
Frederik Pohl
Frederik Pohl
Frederik Pohl
Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
Jerry Pournelle
Pamela Sargent
Sheri S. Tepper
Sheri S. Tepper
E.C. Tubb
E.C. Tubb
Jack Vance
Jack Vance
James White
James White
James White
James White

We also have about a cubit of David Weber books, but since they average well over an inch apiece, it’s not really possible to tie them into two-inch bundles. Write and ask, and we will make a special arrangement if you want a few inches of Weber.